Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun.

First and foremost...


I seem to be Mrs. Confrontation lately. I generally try to go through life as a chilly vanilli. But lately I seem to be having some issues keeping my mouth el closed.

P.S. I don't care if you don't go to the fricken' snow day dance for me.

Stayin' classy in the MQT,

Friday, February 6, 2009

People in every direction.

Well lookie here. Another social networking site that allows me to tell all you loyal readers (which is likely zero) about my trivial life! :D

I'm sitting on my bed, alternating glances between my Edward Cullen poster and the poor saps walking around outside. (It's actually a toasty 20 degrees today!)

I'm leaving in t-minus 30 minutes for Michigan Tech to partake in the always entertaining winter activities, followed by a quadruple kegger. Oh the life of the college student...

I still can't get over the friends that I've made here. Kelsey Jo, B, Nora, Katrena, Kenna, Ken, I really am lucky.

That pretty little design marks the end of my random, disjointed thoughts.

Love and Kisses,